Saturday, December 29, 2007
Benazir Bhutto Conspiracy - Killed by Sniper
Saturday, December 22, 2007
Mahend and Jo Nata
Monday, December 17, 2007
STALEMATE in the IG Cabinet
Monday, December 10, 2007
The Minister Behind the Mask

It has also been reported that the same Minister has over $950,000 in one bank account.
If this is true, it would be an astonishing amount of money for any one person to accumulate .
Given that we don't have the business community represented in the IG cabinet, it is hard to fathom how anyone could have accumulated that much money.
I mean its almost a million dollars in cash, that is just sitting there. And furthermore, it was also reported that other bank accounts belonging to the same IG Minister remain unaccounted for.
Loyal Fijian stands against corruption and hypocrites, whoever you may be AND WE WILL ALWAYS REPORT THE FACTS INDEPENDENTLY AND IMPARTIALLY.
The IG Minister (who has not been named ) must immediately stand down from the IG cabinet until investigations have been completed.
We have previously written about how FICAC's actions have on occasion looked like settling personal scores.
Was there an ulterior motive in sacking Tevita Banuve, we wonder? Was he asking questions that had the Minister implicated all shook up?
Why is Filipe Bole tiptoeng around the issue???
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
Who the Hell is Anendra Prasad?
Last week, Mr Prasad was kind enough to let the people of Fiji know that he has been approached to be the MINISTER OF LANDS.
That's right, not Assistant Minister or Minister for Women or Minister for Multi-Ethnic Affairs or Veteran Affairs……….no , Mr Prasad is not fit for these "minor" positions.
He was going to go straight from being a brakes repairman to MINISTER FOR LANDS.
Geez…….talk about positive thinking…
And what is Mr Anendra Prasad's qualifications/experience/knowledge that he thinks himself fit for such a position.
No, hes not the former head of the World Bank, he doesn't hold a Phd, he has never been the head of a public sector agency………no, Mr Anendra Prasad doesn't have any such experience.
Mr Prasad has something even more valuable.
He is M. P. Chaudry's drinking partner. So says Mr Prasad himself.
Every Sunday we are told, Mr Prasad pays Mr Chaudhry a visit to his Suva Point home where they drink and discuss all matters big and small.
So that's Prasad's "trump card".
All aspiring Ministers take mote. Line up outside a certain Suva Point residence for your Ministership.
Monday, December 3, 2007
Anenedra WHO?
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Nasir Ali gets a dose of his own medicine
Remember Nasir Ali?
The Chief Investigator of FICAC……the Interim Governments chief attack dog ?
Well, Nasir Ali is back in the news.
But this time, the shoe is on the other foot.
It appears that Chief Investigator-Asst Comm Ali has been rubbing his fellow Police Officers the wrong way.
According to Deputy Commissioner of Police Eroni Antonio Ali was being probed over allegations of misconduct and his Police vehicle had been removed for this reason.
Asst Comm Ali has been conducting a witch-hunt against those he accused of being behind his suspension from the Police Force before the December takeover by Commodore Bainimarama.
It now appears that he may have gone a bit too far. Interestingly, another senior Police Officer, Senior Superintendent, Deo Narayan also backed Ali saying there was a "slight misunderstanding" between the two.
Time will tell………..and you will read it here first.
Friday, November 23, 2007
Chaudhry KO's Bune
Monday, November 5, 2007
Dont say we Didnt TELL YOU!
Monday, October 29, 2007
Soldiers Stopped from Leaving for Iraq
Monday, October 22, 2007
Is Chaudhry about to Jump?
Friday, October 12, 2007
Did Commissioner Teleni reveal confidential information?
A very peculiar development in the case of Navy officer Percy Kean,( brother in law of Commodore Voreqe Bainimarama ) who is charged with murder.
Justice Gerard Winter, a High Court judge who has the case of murder against Percy Kean before him has written to the Director of Public Prosecutions asking the DPP to investigate Commissioner Esala Teleni for attempting to pervert the course of justice.
The matter arose after Percy Kean applied that Justice Gerard Winter remove himself from hearing the case because the judge did not support the military takeover and would therefore be biased.
To everyone's surprise, Mr Kean had in his possession a confidential letter written by the Police Commissioner Teleni to the Permanent Secretary for Justice and Solicitor General.
This letter was a highly confidential document that was only for the attention of the PS for Justice and the Solicitor General.
How did Mr Kean obtain such a confidential document?
And even more disturbing, if the allegation that Mr Kean and Commissioner Teleni had conspired together to make this document available to Mr Kean, isn't this an outrageous abuse of office?
Monday, October 8, 2007
More Warnings of Impending Violence
Speculation continues to mount of elements planning violent acts in the coming days and weeks.
The warning was released yesterday via the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade's travel website,
The Australian warning is based on intelligence collated by its agencies that suggest plans by certain elements could lead without warning to outbreaks of violence and civil unrest, in particular in and around Suva.
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
Bombing Plot for October 10
Friday, September 28, 2007
FICAC to bypass DPP
FICAC was given another set of extraordinary powers yesterday when Cabinet amended the Criminal Procedure Code to allow FICAC to completely bypass the DPP's office in appointing lawyers to prosecute cases.
The High Court had previously knocked back an earlier attempt by FICAC to prosecute its own cases because only the Director of Public Prosecutions could prosecute criminal charges.
With the amendment to the Criminal Procedure Code, for the first time in Fijis history, the litigation of cases on court on behalf of the state is no longer the sole responsibility of the DPP.
The change has elevated FICAC from an organisation that was established to "investigate" corruption cases to one that will now have the powers to prosecute.
This development is of great concern as we now see FICAC gradually, and by stealth it seems, gain greater powers and move beyond the objectives for which it initially set up,
Like most Fijians, we here at Loyal Fijian supported efforts to target corruption and bring those guilty of corrupt practices to justice.
But it now increasingly appears that FICAC is going to play both judge and jury and that is a major concern. The concentration of such widespread powers in one organisation does not augur well for a democratic society especially as FICAC is answerable to politicians and not the people of Fiji.
This move by Cabinet to amend the Criminal Procedure Code is also a blatant attempt by Cabinet to overturn the decision of the High Court.
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Life the Public Emergency Regulations Act
Another pertinent point in this whole saga is that the decision to re-impose the PER was taken by the Security Council and not Cabinet!
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Bainimarama unhappy with FICAC
FICAC has come under fire from none other than supremo himself, Frank Bainimarama.
The Interim Prime Minister was quoted on Fijilive as saying that FICAC was taking much longer than he would have liked in coming up with hard evidence of corruption.
He was also less than impressed with some FICAC officials who had lost track of the real intentions for establishing FICAC. Bainimarama was scathing in his criticism of FICAC officials wasting time and resources getting involved in minor issues and not going after the alleged major corruption cases .
As an example Bainimarama used the case of the Grand Pacific Hotel saying that it had used up $15million of yours and my money from FNPF. He also mentioned alleged abuses of funds in the FNPF, the abuses of funds in the Sports Council and the AFL and the ATS.
The criticism of FICAC from Bainimarama is very significant. As we all know, FICAC is being "supervised" by none other than the Minister for Finance.
Is this a sign of growing frustrations and division within cabinet?
For several months now Loyal Fijian has been highlighting the incompetence and in some cases the pettiness of certain FICAC officials. It appears that certain FICAC agents have gone for personal glory rather than concentrating on accumulating evidence of corruption and bringing charges ion a court of law.
Major Moti "Cowboy" Rattan in Labasa is one such example of a person drunk on power who has lost the plot.
FICAC is being used as a vehicle to settle scores as seen by Asst Superintendent Nasir Ali's attacks on Police Officers he believes were behind efforts to reveal his dealings with the Police Credit Union.
For FICAC to regain credibility, it must do more than make allegations. It must produce evidence and lay charges.
The time for that is NOW.
Monday, September 17, 2007
FICAC's leash shortened
Finally, some sense seems to have been knocked into the heads of the IG supremos regarding their attack dog, FICAC.
FICAC as we all know has been very prominent in the news ever since its formation leading full scale military type raids into FDB and FHL, confiscating files form PWD and also being involved in the investigation of the murder of a Nadi business man.
Loyal Fijian has on numerous occasions in our previous posts questioned the rationale for the FICAC to be involved in criminal investigations.I mean, they are having a hard enough time bringing any corruption charges against anyone after such a beat up about 370 FILES OF ALLEGATIONS OF CORRUPTION etc etc.
We have a Police Force and a judiciary (whose Independence is increasingly coming under question) to deal with investigation and prosecution of criminal matters.
FICAC has no business being involved in such matters .
It came as a bit of a relief that the Attorney General has announced that FICAC will (in theory) no longer poke its nose where it doesn't belong.
Interim-Attorney General Aiyaz Sayed-Khaiyum said several amendments had been made to the FICAC promulgation which was passed by Cabinet last Tuesday.
This means that FICAC's focus will be on systematic and institutional corruption, or so we are told.
The Fijian nation is waiting for all the talk and speculation to be followed up by real evidence of corruption .
Thursday, September 13, 2007
84 endangered turtles slaughtered
As most of you would have heard, the Methodist Church held its Annual Conference in Macuata at the end of August.
The provinces of Macuata, Bua and Cakaudrove had asked permission to catch 20 turtles for "traditional" use during the conference.
World Wildlife Fund (WWF) Pacific, who were present in Macuata for the 3-day conference, reported that 40 to 82 critically endangered Green and Hawksbill turtles allegedly killed for feasting by church members, although this number could be much higher then reported.
Turtles are among the most endagered of all species which are found in Fiji. The Hawksbill Turtle has been classed as CRITICALLY ENDAGERED.
Critically endangered is the highest risk category assigned by the World Conservation Union for wild species. Critically endangered means that a species numbers have decreased, or will decrease, by 80% within three generations and could become extinct if conservation efforts are not stepped up.
The Fiji Petrel was known from one immature specimen found in 1855 on Gau Island, Fiji. It was rediscovered in 1983, since when there have been a further seven records. This species is classified as critically endangered as it is inferred from the number of records that there is a tiny population confined to a small breeding area.
Monday, September 10, 2007
Explosives Go Missing From Emperor Mine

The Loyal Fijian had reported in a previous post about the existence of a shadowy group known as the Moto ni Vanua.
SDL organiser, Peceli Kinivuwai, when quizzed by Fiji One News who had reported on Loyal Fijians revelation, denied his involvement with such a group.
According to sources inside the security establishment, there are growing signs of the Moto ni Vanuas efforts to cause widespread disturbances.
An alarming report suggests that in excess of 200kg of explosives, namely Powergel (used extensively in the mining industry) has been reported missing from the Emperor Gold Mine in Vatukoula. It appears with the closure of the mine and reduced security , "thieves" made away with the explosives.
This has been a closely guarded secret to prevent panic.
However, the saving grace has been the inability of the thieves to gain access to the detonators which are stored separately for security purposes.
Fijians will remember that this is not the first time that explsoves have been stolen from Emperor Mine for use in politically motivated attacks.
In 2000, Navakasuasua, a close confidante of Peceli Kinivuwai was behind plots to bomb Nadi Airport using explosives stolen from Emperor Mine.
Thursday, September 6, 2007
Qarase Entitlements Withdrawn
It was reported today that Laisenia Qarase has been stripped off all entitlements and benefits which he qualifies for as a former PM.
Under the Parliamentary Emoluments Commission rules, all former Presidents, Vice-Presidents and Prime Ministers are entitled to certain privileges after leaving office.
According to well placed sources, there has been concern in the IG that Qarase's return is being used by Anti-IG forces to mobilise opposition to the IG.
Saturday, September 1, 2007
Qarse Claims Death Threats

All law abiding Fijian will welcome this development as it demonstrates a willingness and ability of the Fiji Police to act independently and without fear or favor.
Acting Police Commissioner Eroni Antonio gave the directive to Asst Comm Nasir Ali for investigations to begin after receiving a written complaint from Qarase's lawyer Tevita Fa early yesterday.
Mr Qarase said earlier this week he had received a telephone call from someone who spoke to him in Fijian and said he was from the military.
"He said `I am from the military and we hear that you are coming back later this week. We are happy that you are coming back but on arrival we will kill you'. He then swore at me and put the phone down," he said.
Whether the military to go to such an extent or whether there are other forces at play, is open to conjecture.
Monday, August 27, 2007
Qarase Asked for Military: Helen Clark/John Howard

It is now being reported that in addition to seeking military assistance form Australian PM John Howard, Laisenia Qarase was also seeking military assistance from Helen Clark.
It is a known fact, thanks to the candid confessionas of PM Howard that Qarase called him on 3 occassions on December 4th and 5th and requested that the Australian Defence Force intervene in Fiji and engage the FMF to ensure that he remained in power.
BBC on December 5 ran the following story: Read the full article here
Australian Prime Minister John Howard earlier said he had turned down a request from Mr Qarase to send troops to prevent a coup.
"The possibility of Australia and Fijian troops firing on each other in the streets of Suva was not a prospect that I for a moment thought desirable," Mr Howard said.
2. Did Laisenia Qarase actively encourage the Australian Defence Force to effectively invade Fiji and engage the FMF?
3. What did Qarase offer Helen Clark and John Howard in return?
Thursday, August 23, 2007
FICAC has been conducting an "investigation" against Justice Daniel Fatiaki. In its desire to obatin incriminating evidence against him, FICAC removed his tax returns and other confidential documents form FIRCA.
Well, it now appears, the Chairman of FIRCA, Filipe Bole, did not see such a warranta and even if such a warrant did exist, it was not enough to remove confident ail FIRCA documents.
Fiji Islands Revenue and Customs Authority Board chairman Filipe Bole says he never sighted the purported search warrant for the tax office for suspended Chief Justice Daniel Fatiaki's tax records.
He said he thought that even a search warrant was not enough to be used to extract tax information on an individual as a Magistrate Court would not have the powers to grant the FICAC permission to confiscate the tax records of any citizen.
The mystery of FICAC's "warrant" further heightened when it was revealed that Magistrates Court Registry had no records of such an order because it did not come through them.
Sources within FIRCA reveal that FIRCA has been abuzz with rumours that FICAC agents questioned staff about documents relating to an IG Minister.
- Did FICAC fake a warrant to obatin Daniel Fatiakis tax records?
- What other information were FICAC agents after, given the controvesy over a IG Ministers reported milliions stashed away in a bank account?
Sunday, August 19, 2007
IG Minsiter sits on Milliions $$$$$$$$$$$$$
It has also been reported that the same Minister has over $950,000 in one bank account.
If this is true, it would be an astonishing amount of money for any one person to accumulate .
Given that we don't have the business community represented in the IG cabinet, it is hard to fathom how anyone could have accumulated that much money.
I mean its almost a million dollars in cash, that is just sitting there. And furthermore, it was also reported that other bank accounts belonging to the same IG Minister remain unaccounted for.
Loyal Fijian stands against corruption and hypocrites, whoever you may be AND WE WILL ALWAYS REPORT THE FACTS INDEPENDENTLY AND IMPARTIALLY.
The IG Minister (who has not been named ) must immediately stand down from the IG cabinet until investigations have been completed.
We have previously written about how FICAC's actions have on occasion looked like settling personal scores.
Was there an ulterior motive in sacking Tevita Banuve, we wonder? Was he asking questions that had the Minister implicated all shook up? (Pardon the pun, it is the 30th anniversary of Elvis Presley's death)
Friday, August 17, 2007
FICAC "Agents" Malaysian Holiday
Monday, August 13, 2007

Thursday, August 9, 2007
Strikes FAIL to Achieve CRITICAL MASS
CRITICAL MASS is an expression that has its origins in nuclear physics, the point where an initial catalyst setting into motion a nuclear reaction reaches a point from which it cannot be stopped and results in a chain reaction releasing massive energy. There are 3 essential stages: initial catalyst, critical mass and finally chain reaction.
The strategy of the Anti-IG forces can be also described by using the 3 stages described above:
The initial catalyst in Fijis current impasse was hoped to be the FNA/FICTU strikes.
It was hoped that the GCC and the Methodist Church would make a general call for Fijians to support the strikes and show their support by declining the cooperate with the authorities and making it impossible for them to govern.
It is clear evidence of intent and it is only matter of time before intent is matched with capability resulting in innocent tourists visiting our shores and Fijians becoming victims of violence.
This was the strategy that the Anti-IG forces should have embarked upon. But the collapse of the FTA strike demonstrates the pathetic planning of the FTA/FICTU/FNA leadership.
Sunday, August 5, 2007
IG Stands Stronger than Ever
The FTA Strike was a TOTAL FAILURE. The FNA strike will also go that way. Here's why:
1. IG Stands Stronger than Before
The failed FTA strike has allowed the IG to demonstrate to Fijians and to the international community that it is firmly in control, that is has the “ACQUIESCENCE” of the people.
The failure of the Interim Government led by Laisenia Qarase in 2001 to demonstrate Acquiescence was key in the Chandrika Prased succeeding in his case against the abrogation of the 1990 constitution.
FTA’s poor timing and lack of planing has seen its handing the IG the one instrument of credibility that all regimes seek, the proof of acquiescence.
This wont be lost on the international community and the IG may even use its handling of the strike action as justification for extending is term.
2. Nurses Are on their Own
If I was a nurse today, I would have every reason to feel like the fight is NOT going my way. There is nothing worse than to find yo are on your own and the bills are piling up.
Nurse are in the lower end of our economic strata and are many are heavily in debt. With each passing pay day without the money coming in, the nurses will start to feel the pinch.
The payments of the Electricity Bill, the Widescreen TV which were purchased for watching the Hong Kong sevens will have to be paid for……except the money isnt coming in. Increasingly the statements by Kuini Lutua portray a person speaking from a position of weakness, not a person dictating the terms in this high-stakes gamble.
3. Questions over Motivations Arise?
No strike can succeed without support of the general public.
The international community which must be monitoring this situation is more likely to lend its support to the strikers if it can be convinced that the strike does not have any “hidden agendas” as union strikes in Fiji almost always do.
Increasingly, it appears that the membership of the FICTU/FNA alliance has been fed the line of having the 5% salary cut restored but the questions of hidden political agendas are increasingly being asked.
This will only alienate members who may have supported the action at the outset as it was strictly over working conditions but may now withdraw their support as the strikes appear increasingly politically motivated.
And it appears the IG may have outwitted Attar Singh/Kuini Lutua and Co. by declaring the strike legal and successfully painting the strikes as politically motivated one.
4. IG plays Smart
I Have been very critical of action taken by the IG but even I have to admit that the IG has played it smart.
By declaring the strikes legal, the IG took away any chance of international and local uproar over what would have been perceived as heavy handed tactics.
By declaring the strike legal, the IG further enhanced its standing as a Government upholding basic freedoms of its citizens.
And by calling a 2 week holiday a day after strikes commenced, the IG played a master stroke.
Saturday, August 4, 2007
IG Counterattack works ...for now!
The FTA was caught off guard and had no choice but to call of their day long strike.
- Signs are also emerging that the FNA strike is beginning to flounder. The strategy behind the FNA/FICTU strikes was to create a "critical mass" that would grow to a wider campaign of resistance to the IG involving ordinary Fijians.
- The IG moved quickly to address this potential for unrest by withdrawing the suspension of the Chiefs and announcing the GCC will convene in the coming days to discuss issues. This was another strategic move to deny the FNA/FICTU alliance of the wider public support they were hoping to gain by winning the Chiefs endorsement.
- Additionally, information gathered form retailers across the Southern Division, reveals that re-possessions of items purchased on credit are expected to sky-rocket. This is particularly so, as the majority of those who purchase items such as TV's, stereos, DVD players etc from Courts and BP are form the lower income bracket and this includes our nurses.
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Fijians BEWARE: INCITERS publish LETTER BOMB instruction
The same blog which had called for ATTACKS ON TOURISTS, imploring innocent Fiji Islanders from their overseas haven to "attack tourists, firebomb their bures and tourists buses" is now caling for letter bombs to be mailed to unsuspecting Fiji Islanders.
It appears the author of the HATE/INCITER blog who resides overseas has spent more time than is healthy trawling through the internet and copying and pasting bomb making instructions.
These soldiers include hundreds of Fijians trying very hard to put food on the table for their families. The HATE blog had also recently published an article urging its (very few) readers to DENY THE SOLDIERS AND THEIR FAMILIES FOOD. Read the article here.
One wonders whether these people cheer when Fijians are killed by Islamic terrorists in Iraq. Surely must do......
Monday, July 30, 2007
Poseci Bune - Stung by FNA
And no, its not Bainimarama or even Chaudhry. Its Poseci Bune.
According to well placed sources inside the administration, the inability of Poseci Bune to bring Kuini Lutua around has seen his standing in the inner circle of the IG take a battering.
This is particularly so, as Mahendra Chaudhry had successfully negotiated with the 2 major unions of the FTUC to accept a deal and not go on strike.
The same sources reveal, Poseci Bune was tasked with pulling of a similar deal with the FNA. The IG's strategist believed such a deal as would deprive the anti-IG forces of a springboard from which to launch further destabilising actions.
That Mahend Chaudry and Poseci Bune aren't exactly the best of friends is an open secret and the FNA strike has dealt Poseci Bune another blow.
All this comes at a time when Chaudhry was coming under increasing pressure form within the interim cabinet about the downward slide of the economy. It is believed that Poseci Bune was one of those questioning the way Chaudhry had gone about things.
FNA strike has allowed Chaudhry and co. to regroup and get back on the front foot.
Stay tuned.........
Friday, July 27, 2007
Cowboy Major Moti Rattan's Northern Adventures
Major Moti (Cowboy) Rattan has been accused of harassing and intimidating people in his bid t come up with some major explosive corruption story to impress his FICAC bosses.
So much so, that the Divisional Medical Officer Northern, Dr Ami Chand, claims to have written to the President on 29 June, pleading with the authorities to rein in Cowboy Rattan and his deputies.
It doesnt help that Cowboy Rattan and his deputies are viewed by most Babasiga residents with suspicion and even disdain due to previous indiscretions.
That Divisional Medical Officer Northern, Dr Ami Chand would go to the extent of writing to the President seeking his intervention , reflects the frustration faced by civil servants in the North at the unprofessional manner in which FICAC are conducting themselves.
So, far Cowboy Rattan has 2 used single beds and a fridge donated by producers of Survivior to show for his efforts.
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Lautoka lawyer Kevueli Tunidau made the allegation against Mr Nasir Ali. Mr Tunidau, alleged ACP Ali took favours from his client, businessman Pita Alfereti, who is charged with official corruption.
Mr Tunidau alleged ACP Ali, who, while suspended from duty from 2004 until early 2007, was still a police officer and had asked Alfereti to pay for his (ACP Ali's) dog's treatment.
ACP Nasir Ali is known to Fiji Islanders as the Anti-Corruption crusader as the former Chief Investigator in FICAC. In recent times, he has led very public raids into the offiices of PWD, FHL and FDB.
Strike now (Almost) Inevitable
Workers have a right to organise and strike action is a legitimate option available to the workers PROVIDED THE STRIKE IS FOR THE RIGHT REASONS.
Communications monitored by LF operatives reveal that in recent weeks the FNA has increasingly come under the influence of certain political types who wish to use the FNA as a pawn in their own political game.
Many nurses have also expressed their concern that the Union agenda seems to have been hijacked by those outside the Union.
LF can also reveal that media statements issued by the FNA were drafted and issued from the office of the Ratu Komaisavai, who is representing both GCC and the SDL.
Source have also revealed that Kuini Lutua of the FNA has held meetings in the offices of the lawyer with two former SDL Ministers in recent times, where she was persuaded to reject the IG offer, despite pressure form her members to accept a compromise.
Sunday, July 22, 2007
Jerry Waqanisau, the INSTIGATORS new HOPE

Jerry Waqanisau is back.
Mr Waqanisau was recalled from China, as he was a political appointee of the former Qarase Government.
Mr Waqanisau was also the man, the Army insider who got into an awful tangle with the Commander over any number of issues.
Now, that Jeremaiah is back, there are some who are pinning their hopes on good ol Jerry as the man to lead the fightback.
The INSTIGATORS which includes some disgruntled politicians along with those whose attempts at fomenting an insurrection from their base in Lami failed miserably, are now openly calling for Jerry Waqanisau to lead their destabilisation campaign.
Jerry Waqanisau is beng encouraged to foment dissent in the ranks of the military and to create a faction that will lead a destabilisation campaign against the IG.

Even more troubling, the INSTIGATORS have also openly called for the "SLAYING" of a number of military personnel including Major Leweni and Col Pita Driti.
The INSTIGATORS have been engaging in a campaign if lies and deception to mislead Fijians in their efforts to sow discord in the FMF.
Now, they are pinning their hopes on Jerry Waqanisau and the impending nurses strike.
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Laisa Digitaki gets it on with Ragho Nand

Wednesday, July 18, 2007
If I cant travel, neither can you!
Stopping people form travelling overseas, for no reason other than the fact that they may have a different opinion to certain IG officials or may disagree with certain things going on in Fiji.
Shamima Ali and Graham Leung were stopped from travelling to their intended destinations because their names are allegedly on some obscure-shrouded in secrecy-watchlist.
It just doesn't make any sense?
There is nothing new that Mr Leung could tell the NZ media or the NZ Government. Helen Clarke and Winston Peters don't need anymore convincing that the regime in Fiji is losing the plot………..the IG did that by expelling their High Commissioner remember………
No, there is no rational reason behind barring two law abiding individuals form leaving the country on personal business. None.
There are no outstanding warrants against either of them, they are not suspects in any ongoing investigations…….then why deny them their constitutional right to travel, when and where they please?
This action is spiteful and reeks of petty jealousy.
Certain IG officials whose visa was recently rejected by the NZ authorities must get some sort of bizarre satisfaction out of such stunts…. If I cant go, neither can you……….
Or did Mr Leung in his position as former President of the Fiji Law Society, ruffle the feathers of certain a member (and his cronies) who are increasingly gaining a reputation for using the mechanisms of Government to settle personal and petty scores, not to mention get appointments to Government owned statutory bodies.
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
HATE blog WFC's deception and lies have been exposed once again.
The same HATE blog that had incited attacks against tourists visiting Fiji, publishing a document with instructions taken form an Islamic website on how to make petrol bombs, has been caught out TRYING TO TAKE FIJIANS FOR FOOLS, once again.
The same blog had recently published a totally fabricated and made-up story on the break-in into the PM'S Office. The HATERS claimed that " current FMF soldiers are involved" and "Jerry Waqanisau is the leader of a dissident faction and mastermind behind the efforts to split the military".
The lies were exposed when a 30-year-old man appeared in the Suva magistrate court on Monday in connection with the robbery at the Prime Minister's Office.Etuate Sauturaga of Mead Road is alleged to have stolen a laptop computer, a mobile phone and a USB cable and webcam valued at $4140
Police arrested the man after he tried to sell a laptop computer stolen from the PM's Office.
The man is also wanted by Police under a bench warrant for other pending cases.
I think Ive hurt my back………………….when I fell off the chair laughing at the HATE blogs lies…………… hahahahahahahaha
Saturday, July 14, 2007
Sitiveni Wailelekeba, the One that got away (Until now)

SITIVENI WAILELEKEBA , who is this man? His very public face is that of the head of Fijian Holdings, an organisation not without its share of controversies, particularly in unaccounted monies. But that’s for another day.
Theres another side of SITIVENI WAILELEKEBA, he is the man who got away.
Sitiveni Wailelekeba is widely believed to be one of the main instigators of the 2000 coup and one of the financiers.
After the events of December 2006, Wailelekeba has taken on a prominent role as as Anti-IG organiser.
Due to his business contacts, he has managed to create a group which is financing the campaign ( not with their own money of course, but with the hard earnt savings of hundreds of Fijans who have been conned by him and those like him)
SITIVENI WAILELEKEBA, is also a close confidante of ISIKIA SAVUA with whom he shared an office building in downtown Suva during the coups of 2000.
SITIVENI WAILELEKEBA is believed to have been entrusted the responsibility of collecting monies and organising dissenters based overseas. He has been in contact with FILIPO TARAKINIKINI, another very a active person behind the destabilisation campaign to recruit Fijians into a campaign to organise dissent.
Friday, July 13, 2007
Post Fiji GM Drives off with Vehicle
The revelation came as Ms Vosaniveibuli came under renewed pressure from Mr Poseci Bune to explain why she had to authorise the purchase of a company vehicle for her use for $69,000.
Mr Bune demanded that Vosaniveibuli give him a "full explanation and at the same time to give her offer of resignation".
Ms Vosaniveibuli in a bid to explain her position made the disclosure that the previous GM had not only driven away with a vehicle that had been purchased by Post Fiji for official use but also been given APPROVAL by the previous board to do so.
Lets get this right:
Wheeeeeeewwwwwwww..............Only in Fiji Kai, only in Fiji.............Oileeeiiiiiiii………….