The Loyal Fijian had reported in a previous post about the existence of a shadowy group known as the Moto ni Vanua.
SDL organiser, Peceli Kinivuwai, when quizzed by Fiji One News who had reported on Loyal Fijians revelation, denied his involvement with such a group.
According to sources inside the security establishment, there are growing signs of the Moto ni Vanuas efforts to cause widespread disturbances.
An alarming report suggests that in excess of 200kg of explosives, namely Powergel (used extensively in the mining industry) has been reported missing from the Emperor Gold Mine in Vatukoula. It appears with the closure of the mine and reduced security , "thieves" made away with the explosives.
This has been a closely guarded secret to prevent panic.
However, the saving grace has been the inability of the thieves to gain access to the detonators which are stored separately for security purposes.
Fijians will remember that this is not the first time that explsoves have been stolen from Emperor Mine for use in politically motivated attacks.
In 2000, Navakasuasua, a close confidante of Peceli Kinivuwai was behind plots to bomb Nadi Airport using explosives stolen from Emperor Mine.
Are you sure about this? There has been no word on this matter anywhere in the news!
Its happened before.............they must be planning something again......
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