Another FIJIAN national working as a security guard in Iraq is believed to have died.
The as yet unnamed guard and three of his colleagues are seriously injured following an attack on the convoy they were escorting from Baghdad to Mosul at the weekend.
According to a Fijian guard with the same company, the deceased is from Namuka in Lau while one of the injured is from Kadavu and the other from Tailevu.
While most us will mourn the death of a fellow Fijian at the hands of terrorists, DEATH THREAT blogs celebrate.
Thats right, as hard to believe as it is, DEATH THREAT blogs have long been calling for soldiers and their families to be starved(previously referred to as HATE/INCITER Blogs) by being denied food and publishing instructions on bomb making taken from the websites who are behind such murders.
DEATH THREAT blogs rejoice as another FIJIAN who was trying to put food on the table for his family was killed by terrorists.
Whether u agree with FMF is doing or not, leave the individuals and their families alone...........they are trying to feed their families......
Thats right.
I belive in democracy and am no military apologist.
But they are putting their lives on the line to feed their families........and not all of them are soldiers.
If u want independent analysis, read LOYAL FIJIAN.
If u want DEATH THREATS, read DEATH threat BLOGS.
The death threat bloggers are cowards.
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