Anyone remember Laisenia Qarase? Yup, the bloke who ran the FDB into the ground and then decided to do the same with the Fijian economy. He is still upset the promise made to him by John Howards personal advisor , Mark Textor (see previous blogs) of armed assistance didnt come to fruition.
Lai, being the gullible type that he is , actually believed the Australians. Now, hes looking to the Tongans, Israelis, Solomons, PNG, Mongolians, Uzbeks, Tajiks etc etc etc to save his sorry ass.
Apparently Lai's Mrs , Leba, is doing it really hard too.
You see, Leba was getting used to the taxpayer paid Pajero and the servants waiting for them in taxpayer paid accomodation in Domain.
As for Laisenia Jr, he is doing it even harder as he doesnt have any taxpayer funded cars to drive into the trees along Queen Elizabeth Drive.
Lai, being the gullible type that he is , actually believed the Australians. Now, hes looking to the Tongans, Israelis, Solomons, PNG, Mongolians, Uzbeks, Tajiks etc etc etc to save his sorry ass.
Apparently Lai's Mrs , Leba, is doing it really hard too.
You see, Leba was getting used to the taxpayer paid Pajero and the servants waiting for them in taxpayer paid accomodation in Domain.
As for Laisenia Jr, he is doing it even harder as he doesnt have any taxpayer funded cars to drive into the trees along Queen Elizabeth Drive.
Vinaka guys.
Your site was the highest ranked Fiji blog on Google Search results for week ending 6 June 2007
Well done
Hahahaha Hahahahaha
Vinaka Kai.
Na mae Na mae
Lol........Fiji has never seen anything like this before....Last night I went to the Womens Crisis Centre for a little do and guess what the topic of conversaton was.........LoyalFijian of course.
Blog On Loyal.
Why do you lower yourself to gutter comments like RFC and WFC are doing. As a loyal go for the facts and truths.
We appreciated and supported what you started. Picking on a particular individul is not appreciated. Remember..Jesus said..hate the sin, not the sinner.
Where on earth did you get this picture from? His house doesn't even compare to this little hut...c'mon cut some slack. His home in Mavana and others surrounding it is a palace compared to my house in Ritova St.
I'd rather make my choice at the polls, too many funny things are happening in Fiji at right now and that makes me very worried for my family.
Mo tovolea mo tukuna na dina, o Lai kei na nona matavuvale e ratou sega ni leqa, na leqalevu ga sa tiko e na gauna qo vei Bainimarama ni sa mai tu botoilevu tu na caka coup sa leqa mai na kaiviti lavo,sa sega mai na cakacaka sa sega ni saumi rawa na school fees
Io o Lai kei na nona matavuvale eratou sa lesu talega na vanua me ra lai muria mai kina nodra i yatu. Bloody thieves. Now Kunatuba has to pay and his family suffer to keep him in power. Laisenia your day of reckoning is drawing near.
Well I have decided!! Firstly, Laisenia Qarase DOES NOT live in a lean-to, thatched house as you so childishly post here!! Get your facts straight and report the facts only, as you so boldly proclaim to do on your homepage!!! O dou leqa tiko???
And secondly, your reports are hardly BALANCED!!! They are totally lob-sided only in criticism of Qarase!!!
I absolutely LUURRVV LoyalFijian and its cause, but pleaaseeee ... either change your "HEADLINE" or start changing the way you guys are reporting!! You're sounding very much like WFC is some twisted way ... I'm sure we can leave out the mud-slinging (it's worse when it's unsubstantiated!!)
Anyway, blog on Loyals ...
To above commenter:
A bit of humour is not misplaced.Read our blog on Sahu Khan, Janet Mason etc.
We are and always will be impartial due to the fact our contributors have different backgrounds and political inclinations.
Luuuuuuuuuuuuuuvvvvvvvvv your blog.
Best thing in Fiji since Qereqeretabua won Ms Hibiscus.
nice one...cheers
Anon @ 10.26pm sounds like the almighty su rere shara ga LOL.
Inshallah Anon
Not my god god..Anon @4.28pm
U mentioned God...wot does God have to do with anything anyway? But while we're on that topic your God is everyone's God...there is but one God. There's a lot of roads to salvation the Bible said. Hence Inshalla. Saloma lekum.
Inshalla(Arabic): means 'God willing' or 'God wills'...
Inshalla means ALLLAH willing not GOD willing.
ALLAH who wills innocent people to die in London,Madrid ,Iraq etc etc
At least he has an identity...
Welcome anon...good to see you making your normal rounds.
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