Col. Vatu, Loyal Fijian has been told by a close relative who was present when he made his deathbed confession, wanted to confess his part in the planning and the execution of 2000 coup by the CRW. He also revealed the names of the other planners, within the military and others.

Col Vatu named one, Filipo Tarakinikini as one of the main planners and as the man who was to assume a very senior role in the new regime.
When the posting of Filipo Tarakinikini was announced, it was this confession that was brought to Laisenia Qarases attention to stop him from escaping.
It was Laisenia Qarase who as the PM gave assurances to the Commander that the Government will be responsible for bringing him back once proceedings for his case will be started.
Qarase reneged on this undertaking, the rest as they say, is history.
FT should be brought back to face justice
Good work...
The truth will reveal itself...
Yes loyal, but there are others behind tarakinikini, and the obvious names that come to mind are takiveikata, rabuka, and savua.
Loyal Fijian, FT is enjoying the JUSTICE HE DESERVES - ie. working in an international environment where is capable and his efforts is rewarded on merit. He does not need to work under cowards who are self seeking and blame their incompetent performance on others who are more capable than them!!! To Ad, yes you are so right, the truth will reveal itself, and yes definitely Fiji is now watching and seeing with their own eyes who really carried out a coup and it is none other than Voreqe Bainimarama NOT Tarakinikini!!! Doesn't that ever occur to you??? You still want to believe your own lies and hoping that everyone else will catch on and believe you???
Please don't make things worse for yourself, don't waste your time on Tarakinikini, he is sleeping soundly, just go chase this illegal regime and tell them to come to their senses, how long can they run???
Administrator, please tell us who else did Col. Vatu name? And to make your article credible, tell us the name of that cousin he confessed to, my point is GIVE US FACTS, NOT WISHFUL THINKING SCENARIOS!!! By the way, DO YOURSELF A FAVOUR, leave the dead (Col. Vatu)alone, let's deal with the present, bring the past ONLY if it is relevant!!!
FT must be brought back. Whether he and his likes don't like it then go to hell. YOu can't runway from your evil doing FT. Your time is running out....lolz
Working in the un does not imply that you're clean, even communists, con artists, liers, fraudsters i.e. blue collar criminals & terrorist apologists are just some of the make-up of the thousands of un staffers, & they're not all that innocent, in fact they're more sophisticated in their underhand dealings. FT can run away frm Fiji to all over the world in foreign land where he's able to hide in, but when all is said & done & life ends, he'll also stand before his maker where he will eventually be judged!!!! Guess that same old wise saying is still true i.e. better to confront yr fears then run away frm them.
The true confession was that Voreqe was the main player in the 2000 coup,you are protecting a two headed ulukau snake
Wow Anonymous July 14 sounds like family...the wifey
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