Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Conversations of Jone, Jaswant and Joe : Hong Kong and False Flag operations!

Its another grog session at Jone's house. Fiji has won the Hong Kong Seven's after a long time. The mood is better but the events of the previous weeks are still on Jone and Jaswant's minds.


Jone: Va cava! Uh ! Wana- navu: So – Kon- Po Boy


Jaswant : Yea man, set sa ra ga qo boy! Wooo….


Jone : Long time coming this one, man. Taki!


Jaswant : Taki Joe


(Joe just sits quietly, he seems to be smiling, but at what no one knows. He just takes it all in)


Jone : Seti Jas, o koya vulagi, Ill taki.


Jaswant : Why cant he taki uh? I taki.


Jone : Vita lia man. So what you think, we'll get a public holiday?


Jaswant : Must tu ge bro. Must have a public holiday.


Joe : It was a good win.


( With these words he goes back into his own world)


Jaswant: See Joe, come closer. Jone and I been talking about that sugar and kerosene thing aye. Bro, that's sa danger man. Who can do that?


Joe : That's a good question Jaswant.


Jone : I think this very high level man!


Jaswant : You mean, the you-know-who?


Jone : Yea man.


Joe : Either that or somebody wants us to think that. Its called a False Flag operation


Jone/Jaswant (together) : M*@# T%^#$ We're F*&*##


Jone : Just think about it. Sakiusa Raivoce is an ex-Army man. He is a recruiter for soldiers to serve overseas in his company. Why is the Army so interested in him? What has he been up to? He's boys include ex-SF boys from UK.


Jone : Man, this stuff is getting serious.


Jaswant: Hey Joe, you stay with us gang OK.


Joe : (Laughs) You're right about one thing, things are getting interesting.


(With that Joe goes off into his thoughts again. What is he thinking?)

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