Thursday, January 31, 2008
Weatherman Sleeping on the Job
Monday, January 28, 2008
Fiji Water Anyone?
But unfortunately, not every one who comes here comes with good intentions. We have had very bad experiences with those who arrive to exploit and take advantage our young and defenceless children.
Take the case of Dr Michael James Heads who was charged with possessing pornographic images of Fijian girls as young as 12 and 13 years old in April 2006 .
Read the Pacific Magazine article by Ricardo Morris here. This man, under the cover of an academic and taking advantage of our goodwill was compiling a pornographic collection of very young Fijian girls.
We need to be more watchful of these visitors to our shores, not everyone comes here with good intentions.
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Chaudhry v Punja

Hari Punja, arguably Fijis richest man, met with the Interim PM, Commodore Frank Bainimarama to complain about the exchanges between his company and Interim Finance Minister , M.P Chaudhry.
This meeting takes on greater significance in that Commodore Bainimarama met with Hari Punja when his Finance Minister had declined his numerous requests.
Well placed sources in Government Building indicate that Commodore Bainimarama was sending a not too subtle message to Chaudhry that while MPC may be the man controlling the money, he is the BOSS.
It is reported that Hari Punja has put on hold $30 m of planned investments because of "changing rules" as he put it.
Documents seized by the authorities, indicate that previously Mr Punja had been promised a tax holiday for up to 50 years on his proposed factory meaning that effectively, Fiji taxpayers wouls have subsidised his business gamble.
The history between the Punjas and MPC is well known to all in Fiji. MPC had removed the tariffs on imported rice after coming to power in 1999 and this had caused major losses to the Punja rice empire.
The Punjas never forgave him for this and according to former CRW solider, Barabados Mills, a high chief had promised each CRW soldier $100,000 for their part in the coup. Money which according to him "came from Harry".
Is Hari Punja the elsuive Harry?
This account was backed up by former head of 3FIR, Lt Col. Seruvakula who was offered $200,00 to take his 3FIR into Parliament, as revealed to the Loyal Fijian some years ago before he left for NZ.
Sunday, January 20, 2008
The Appeals Court has ruled that Dip Chand did not get a fair trial and hos confession of guilt cannot be admitted because he was confused about events,
Dip Chand continues to maintain that he is INNOCENT and that men in a boat kidnapped the 3 sisters.
People don't just vanish off the face of the earth? I person, well maybe that can happen but for three sisters to vanish into thin air ; IMPOSSIBLE!
The Fiji Police has a lot to answer for.
Did they conduct a thorough investigation and investigate all possibilities?
It is common knowledge in Nairai , Rakiraki that Dip Chand was a wealthy man, wealthy beyond the money that his occupation of fisherman could make him.
Where did the money come from?
Lets go back a few years, when a 20 year old girl who went to the beach with a friend simply vanished, It has happened before in Nairai.
HAS DIP CHAND HAS SOLD THE 3 SISTERS TO PAEDOPHILES WHO CRAWL FIJI LOOKING FOR EASY PREY. This should come as no surprise to anyone, We have all seen or heard of these animals.
Did the Fiji Police allow the yacht carrying the 3 sisters to leave Fiji waters and to save embarrassment jumped on Dip Chand?
The Fiji Policed would do well to talk to Dip Chands maternal cousin in Nairai, opposite the village store. He will tell a story of how 3 young girls were kidnapped by a paedophile ring, and condemned to a life of unimaginable horror. And it had all happened before.
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Monday, January 14, 2008
BALLU, NLTB and the ordinary Fijian

The Fijian who was struggling to make ends meet, the Fijian who wished to send his kids to school but couldn't afford it, the Fijian woman who toiled day and night to put food on the table but had to go to bed hungry because there wasn't enough.
Ratu Sir Lala Sukuna was a visionary.
The money that should be going into the villages to build schools, secure drinking water, build roads and health centres is being squandered by a select few who are abusing their positions.
The only person Ballu is serving is himself and his "business partners".
If Ballu was so interested in investing his money for the welfare of Fijians why does he need a loan of $2.4 m USD from the NLTB?
This money belongs to the ordinary and poor Fijians, it is not for the fat cats to use as if it were their own.
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Ballu Khan's Millions

Ballu Khan has been in the news a lot these days. The media describes this man as a "self-made millionaire", a "business tycoon" etc.
Starting with a look at the connections between Ballu's companies and the NLTB.
What would the taxpayers of Fiji say if they knew that the NLTB transferred its IT staff to Ballu Khans company and then gave it a USD$2.4 m "loan" which it used to tender for NLTB contracts?
Millionaire he may be, but somethings definitely fishy in this tale (pardon ther pun1)
Saturday, January 5, 2008