Loyal Fijian after much deliberation, consultation with Fijian from all walks of life and much reflection has decided to award its 2009 Loyal Fijian Person of the Year 2009 Award to the Ordinary Fijian.
That's right. The ordinary Fijian who wakes up at 4 in the morning and travels to the Suva Market to sell his produce, the ordinary Fijian who cleans the homes of those who have more money than time for $15 a day.
The Ordinary Fijian who works the land from dawn to dusk and still struggles to pay the school fees of their children, the only hope for them to escape the grinding poverty or the Ordinary Fijian who travels in a Pajero, enjoys overseas holidays and lives in relative security and comfort.
The Loyal Fijian Person of the Year 2009 Award is to all of you mentioned above and those not.
Here's why.
For those struggling to makes pay their school fees, the school fees has been waived, for those finding it difficult tp pay the bus fare for their children, the bus fare ha been subsidised. And for those who have no problems with access to money, well for you, it is now possible to enjoy your wealth and go to bed without the fear of waking up to the cold blade of a knife held to your neck.
Crime is down, The poor people are the main focus of the Government, corrupt practices which used to be the norm are down and out.
The Ordinary Fijian after a long time feels that they have a voice.
The Ordinary Fijian can for the first time dream of their children having a better life then they did with access to free education. Many Governments have promised but nine have delivered this before.
The Ordinary Fijian after a long time can have the same access to services that without money was denied to them.
The Ordinary Fijian who has no problems with money, and there are a fair few as the $7.50 cappuccino sold in certain Suva cafe's indicate, can enjoy their wealth and leave their homes and be sure of coming back.
The Ordinary Fijian who has lost hope at the failure of the wheels of Government to move without the rquired greasing with liberal amounts of hard currency, have an avenue to take up their case.
The Ordinary Fijian who has seen the incompetent and corrupt civil servant drink yaqona whilke they wait for serice, can now take up their case with those who have the power and will to make a difference.
The Ordinary Fijian has been the Winner. No doubt about it.
Totally agree LF. Ordinary Fijians are all behind the new initiatives 100%.
LF - get your act together and get this blog going again. Your postings are too periodic and often unrelated to Fiji.
Um LF,there is a word of caution in reputable journalism and that is verifying your claims with factual data or from a reputable source.For example your claim on the reduction of corruption,try accessing the Fiji Financial Intelligence Unit website under "AML conferences",Financial Crime & Money Laundering in Fiji: The Emerging Trends in Fiji by Director Razim Buksh'
In his presentation, you might be surprised to learn that fraud and corruption crimes in Fiji were significantly reduced every year until 2006 but since then has climbed considerably up until today.
The simple rule of corruption is that if an action or transaction by a government is not made transparent or accountable to the public then that is corruption.
LF,please do not diminish your site to being a mere propaganda tool against coup opponenets or for the IMG.I urge you to be neutral and professional if credibility is what LF is striving for.
Anonymous,great factual response about LF claims of corruption being "down and out".
I urge all readers to check the Fijia Financial Unit's website on the skyrocketing corruption data associated with the current political regime.
My take on the Bainimarama junta strategy is that they have lost the opportunity to gain popularity by holding on for too long to power.
They have all the guns to ensure a safe and democratic election transpires so this should be carried out immediately.To assume that the military has all the answers to Fiji's political problems is a fallacy when it has in fact being the root cause of all the coups in Fiji.
LF. should urge Voreqe, Driti to stop holding the country hostage because fringe supporters like myself now have serious doubts about their credibility.
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