Friday, January 22, 2010

China Milk Scandal duplicated in Fiji?

The breaking news on the Fiji Milk scandal has startling similarities with the Chinese Milk crisis of 2008.

The Fiji Health Ministry's Food Unit has announced that between 10,000 and 20,000 "full cream" powdered milk packets are being removed from supermarket shelves after an investigation found that these products could contain milk replacers commonly used in animal feed into food labels .

The products under suspicion are marketed under the brand names Rainbow Instant Full Cream Powder milk and Sunrise Instant Full Cream Milk Powder. Even more disturbing is the revelation that these two brands may have been deliberately engaged in false Labelle ling to deceive Fijian consumers.
According to the head of the Health Department, Jope Tamani , "The product retailed as instant full cream milk powder failed to state that it is in fact instant full cream milk replacer which is what the product really is. There has been something added in the actual product. In most countries, milk replacers are used for animal feed."
The Milk scandal in China in 2008 also involved the use of milk replaces such as Melamine in milk products as it can be used to boost the volume of the product and is cheaper for manufacturers to source and market.

If the allegations are proven, the distributors of the product in Fiji should be properly investigated as the practice not only misleading, can also be harmful to the health of babies.


Suliasi said...

It does appear that way


thanks for the information. Fiji is becoming a dumping ground.

FijiToday said...

Fiji has another health problem with it's milk.