Wednesday, February 27, 2008

USP Vice Chancellor Gets off "Tax-Free"

Tax evasion is all the rage at the moment.
While Mahendra Chaudhry has done very well by accumulating $1.6 m in 3 overseas bank accounts, there are others who seem to have been getting by quite comfortably too.
But a first a look at Chaudhrygate scandal. With everyone clamouring over unpaid taxes and FIRCA files, a number of even more important aspects seem to have been overlooked.
Where did the money come from?
Where did the interest accumulated go?
Was a foreign Govt interfering in Fijis internal politics?
These are questions that need to be answered.
But more on that later.
It now appears that the current USP VC gets his salary tax free. Apparently this hasnt gone down well with some folk at FIRCA.
Well, lets not begrudge the man, he is doing a good job. But the same cant be said for some of his staff who are spending more time using USP computers to post blogs than doing what they are paid to do.
Yup, there are a "some" USP staff very heavily involved in the blogging that got people like Filipe Niagara sacked from his job at PSC.
And these USP staff through the Wansolwara "links" are closely linked with certain journalists and "activists" in making a lot of noise. Not that there is anything wrong with it.
It must be hard blogging about Fiji from their overseas locations!

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