Friday, April 4, 2008

Campaign Against Serevi Gains Pace

That there is a concerted campaign against Waisele Serevi, the greatest Sevens player to have ever played the game is obvious to everyone.
The news that has been leaked to the news media that Serevi was involved in the misappropriation of money and it was resolved by the FRU board that Serevi would not be involved with the FRU into the future.
The amounts being written about in the media are contradictory, from US$1000 to $30,000.
Serevi himself has come out and said that he was handed a "red envelope" with US$1,000 last year in Hong Kong by an unknown supporter and it was meant for him. He also said that the returned the money to FRU CEO after repeated queries from HQ.
We all know that Servei is a god fearing man and we have no reason to doubt him.
The campaign against Serevi isnt new. Who can forget the shock when Tomasi Cama as coach dropped the greatest Sevens player from the team for HK.
Was it personal enmity or something else?
There is a clique within FRU that has the dagger out for Serevi. And to get the answers one needs to go back to the General Elections of 2001.

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