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LoyalFijian can reveal here that Laisa Digitaki is another major player behind the Anti-FMF campaign currently being waged in Fiji.
She is particularly vengeful towards Col. Pita Driti, whom she accuses of organising her "holiday camp" at the Q.E.B on December 24 2006.
She is particularly vengeful towards Col. Pita Driti, whom she accuses of organising her "holiday camp" at the Q.E.B on December 24 2006.
Laisa Digitaki is a business partner of no other than Imraaz Iqbal who was exposed in previous blog as another Anti-FMF campaigner.
Laisa Digitaki is not alone however, there are other "connected" persons who are providing the technical and financial input so very essential in running an electronic propaganda campaign.
So who provides the money and who provides the
technical knowledge?
technical knowledge?
Well, it doesn't do any harm if your husband is Sitiveni Wailelekeba, the Fijian Holdings boss.
The technical nous is provided by Imraaz Iqbal, who ran a publishing compmany with Laisa Digitaki out of Lami.
Go to my poll and tell me who THE LOYALFIJIAN SHOULD EXPOSE NEXT....................
Anonymous said...
Thanks man or woman. Fiji owes you a debt.
LoyalFijain will go doen in history as the most famous blooger in Fijian politics.
Like that guys in US.....Deeep Throay from Watergate scandal.
May 18, 2007 5:13 AM
Anonymous said...
Truly the only blog worth reading.
May 18, 2007 5:13 AM
Anonymous said...
Rizwan ud Dean, you bumsucker. As someone said, your father married your aunty, you mentally deranged dumb fuck.
May 18, 2007 5:15 AM
Anonymous said...
What about Ricardo Morris and Netani Rika?
I got an email saying they are in this too
May 18, 2007 5:15 AM
Anonymous said...
Thanks a lot.
May 18, 2007 5:12 PM
яεѕιѕт RFC admin said...
we will support and promote http://www.bulafijicoupthankyoufrank.blogspot.com/ and http://loyalfijian.blogspot.com/ via our links with various forums throughout the Internet. We look forward to reading more good articles from both of these sites!!!
May 18, 2007 5:55 PM
Anonymous said...
Filipo Tarakinikini, now theres a familiar name.
May 18, 2007 6:12 PM
LoyalFijian said...
LoyalFijian stands with all those who stand against CORRUPTION by these crooks.
May 18, 2007 6:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Excellent work. Im proud to be Fijian because of you LoyalFijian.
Lets get them fuck-wits.
Great work Loyal.
Keep it up
Honestly this is the only blog worth reading for Fiji news, factual news I mean.
Pita Waqavonovono is a major ANTI-FMF guy.
When are you going to expose him?
WOW, I knew that snake Leweniqila and his SDL cohorts had to have their paws all over this.
And Tarakinikini, this guy must be broght back, NO QUESTION.
My cousin who is a soldier in British Army says they have been trying to recruit some of them to destabilise the country.
Rizwan ud Dean..........u bumsucker...just like your father...
We all know you are behind this.......
Iqbal Janiff, that incompetent numb skull, well Im not suprised...
What do Imraaz Iqbal, Iqbal Janif and Rizwan ud Dean have in common?
Yes you guessed it........
Now we talking........
Show them pretender, 2 can play this game...........
Filipo Tarakinikini, that should be the target.
He is inciting trouble overseas.
Exposure is the best medicine ... the rats appear to have gone into hiding into their hellholes. Gaandooz and qauriz have had too much influence in Fiji ... the hell with them.
Thanks LoyalFijian ... keep up the good work. Vinaka !
Coup coup nutty made a deal with Rabuka, Savua and Ganilau when they removed Tui Nayau.
Nailatikau hijacked that deal and named himself PM with Bainimarama's blessings.
George Speight got wind of Nailatikau's treachery and threatened to kill his wife, Adi Koila.
Nailatikau then backed down and Tarakinikini advised coup coup Frank to let the GCC find a middle route.
The GCC appointed Ratu Iloilo and immediately he was hounded by Savua's group, by Rabuka's group, by Nailatikau's group and by Speight’s groups all demanding that their choice of PM be approved.
A number of senior officers in the advsiory council including Col Kacisolomone, Kaukimoce amongst others then brought up the name of Qarase who was perceved as an outsider at the time. He had nothing to do with the coup.
After Qarase was chosen as PM, Rabuka tried to punch-out cranky Frank's card. No honor amongst thieves.
In the ensuing fracas, Tabua and Kalounivale were murdered. These men were the head sheds at parliament who were receiving the orders from QEB for the black operation on the 19th of May.
There was no deal between Qarase and coup coup Frank except that all the coup people should be charged and convicted, but not Frankenstein and his guys. That’s why an immunity decree was done for coup coup Frank and his guys.
That decree was later found to be unconstitutional as a result of the Chandrika Prasad case.
Now its coup coup Frank's turn to be investigated and he can't accept it.
He is misusing the military to prevent due process from being implemented against him, Pita Driti, Naivalurua, Keteca, Savua, Nailatikau, Ganilau and all the other lower ranks including Fabiano and Komaitai who led the killings and murders at QEB on the afternoon of the mutiny.
Baleidrokadroka and other officers have tendered statements to the Police which are first hand accounts of what transpired and Frankenstein is the key man behind everything that has happened since 2000, including Chaudhary's removal.
He authorized the use of the CRWU for that operation and he directed the provision of arms and resupply to them from the 21st to the 23rd of May 2000 and he also allowed them the continued use of their facilities at QEB for six weeks from the 19th of May 2000.
There is a lot more to this than meets the eye.
Coup coup Frank has threatened to tell all since 2003, but he hasn't said anything because there is nothing there accepts lies and deceit and murder.
source:annonimous http://groups.google.com/group/viti-forum/web/welcome-to-coups-island
Fiji coup plot took 4 years
Sunday May 06, 2007 fijilive.com
Fiji's fourth coup on December, 2006 was hatched four years earlier, said the deputy commander of the Fiji Military, Captain Esala Teleni.
In an exclusive interview with fijilive.com, Captain Teleni said the military had been telling the government, and the people of Fiji of the "wide range of corruption that needs to be cleaned out" since 2002.
"What happened on December 5 shouldn't be a surprise to anybody. All along we have been talking about the need to clean-up Government.
"But the decision rests with the commander himself to say yes."
Captain Teleni said in 2002, the military was concerned that those people implicated in the coup of 2000 started to be released from prison.
"Also the way the police investigations into the coup of 2000 faced some sort of delay. We saw a lot of things happening. People were probably too busy and not taking queue from what we have been raising.
"It also started in 2002 with the introduction of the RTU Bill (Reconciliation Bill) and others. Those are the factors."
Captain Teleni said that Government had also ignored the military's demand that those involved in 2000 not be involved in public office.
A senior member of the former ruling Soqosoqo Duavata ni Lewenivanua party, who opted for anonymity, said the Government knew of the military's intention "all those years", but refused to budge "as a matter of principle".
He said the military can not dictate terms to a democratically-elected Government.
Anonymous (May 20, 2007 4:23 PM)
Qarase was the man behind the 2000 coup, through his henchman in Fijian Holdings.....
What do yo call someone who conspires with foreign elements to invade their own country?
Qarase, the most incompetent,half-wit,numb skull Fiji has seen. And when you consider the number of numbskulls in Fiji, that is quite an achievement>>>HAHAHAHAH
Ricardo Morris, where......are......youuuuuuuuuuuuuuu...ooohhhhh?
Pita Waqavonovono, Rizwan ud Dean is coming to say hullo.......
Selesitano Kalounivale, Jone Davui, Epineri Bainimoli and Lagani Rokowaqa, Viliame Lotawa,Metuisela Railumu...........what did they have in common?
As for Jack Komaitai, boy, I saw him play against Samoa....whew the faller can run ga man, I mean really go....
Set eh
Even daddy Mosese cant hide your big black ass now ..............
lol....lol....lol.....lol....lol....lol.....lol...This is like a scene from the Movie American Pie..lol....lol....lol....Maybe its Part6...lol
Only the FACTS. No bull.
I make no bull claims about how many people read my blog. If you wanna know, theres counter at the bottom of the page, have a look.
Lami Lampoons ca'nt do that bcause they only live on hearsays which is not worth a cent in a Court of Law.....lolz
Lami Lampoons are kissasses for SDL that's what they really are. Democracy fighters my ass. (chuckle chuckle)
Laisa having technical nous of technology and internet...wahahahaha. Yeah rite! Hello blogsites are easy to create and anyone can have one. Just them WFC have gone a step further and made it secure with endorsement from the blogsite administrators Worldpress. Right now they're in full swing with their overseas counterparts trying trace those who have differring views from them which makes them also hunters and not democratic fighters. Bring it on!
Has anyone ever tried to find out what them IT people belonging to Ballu Khan are doing now that they are no longer working for NLTB? Tsk Tsk...spying into people's IPs and yelling cops and robbers for the WFC gang. Talk about cyberwar! Cheetee cheetee bang bang.
When Frank was first appointed the Commander of the RFMF there were alot of rumblings throughout the ranks engineered by senior officers who were also vying for the post one of which is probably one of the authors of these posts and the WFC's "inside informant".
More an outside informant by the sound of it. As a result of a commission on inquiry launched into the RFMF affairs, a certain young officer by the name of Filipo Tarakinikini was working very closely with Brigadier Thorpe and had been earmarked by Thorpe as Commander material.
Tarakinikini was so sure that he was going to get the position and when he didn't, he became bitter along with the other failed dissidents like Kadavulevu who thought the position was rightfully his by virtue of his chiefly status. They are the real plotters of the coup working with the other cells outside of the military camp with their men in positions in government to destabilise the military by staging a coup both in government and at the military camp...killing two birds with a stone.
Frank was abroad when the coup was carried out and Tuakoto held the position of acting commanders keeping a close tab on all the officers and ensuring that the position was not threatened. It was during Tuakoto's watch that all those ammunition was carried out of camp so he had to carry the full responsibility.
Frank came back and resumed his position amidst the madness and mayhem of the coup. His intelligence officers updated him on developments and was told who the senior officers who were suspected as being the possible mutineers were. Two names were brought to his attention Kadavulevu and Tarakinikini.
What he did was what any wise man would do was to his enemies close to him under those circumstances. To terminate the two officers were to accercebate an already deteriorating situation so he appointed the main suspect and connection up at the camp, Tarakinikini to be the military spokesman so that the media could tabs of his whereabouts and hence keep him close to the public's chest, so to speak.
He knew that Tarakinikini with the international attention turned on him would not do anything stupid and show his hand at the same time being aware that Tarakinikini's connection to those CRW boys in Parliament would help diffuse the situation. Why else is Tarakinikini running away from Fiji, one could ask?
Ask any officer at camp and they will tell you how his wife Amele was running around camp like a headless chook telling off anybody who she alleged spoke out or ill against her husband who true to his personality rose to the occassion by lapping up the media attention because what he really suffered from was an attention deficit disorder and the demands from an overambitious wife. He had not gotten what he had craved for and is now crying like a spoiled baby after sweets. This is the real situation.
Notice the comprehensive snitching on homosexuals? That would be just the kind of thing that his dumbwit, religious fanatic ambitious wife Amele would come up with and impress on her husband as justification to his part in the 2000 coup. How sad that the couple cannot return to the land of their births. The top brass mentioned in WFC post are those above and a few others who Voreqe is very much aware of.
Hey did you guys know that the Lami democracy shrine was bought from sex money. The house belongs to Alec Chang who Laisa was bedding after she bedded Naisoro while he was chairman of the FDB. The minute he lost his post she dumped him coz he had no use to her anymore and she went for Alec coz he has dosh travelling first class with him and all the perks of a concubine. The house was probably signed over to her in one of their tender moments and the minute she dumpbed Alec for her silly ex-hubby Steve, Alec cried foul demanding the house back but Laisa was ahead of him . See Alec wot happens when you get overcome with passion? So the democratic shrine is nothing but a whorehouse for materialistc and wannabe tag woman Laisa.
Laisa caijitmanamu!!! Ur father was a good man. Ur on the hand is a freak of nature. Go to Hong Kong...they need women like you girl. Stop playing around with leader's brains coz ur a has been.
Just to set it straight, 'Tarakinikini is not running away from Fiji, just in case you don't know which I doubt, Tarakinikini is working for the United Nations and is enjoying his life without bothering anyone - all he said in the beginning has come out to be true. The real culprit today is Voreqe and his illegal regime NOT Tarakinikini!!! He did nothing to make Fiji suffer, people remember Tarakinikini with good thoughts, what people see now is the suffering brought upon themselves by Voreqe and his illegal regime!!!
OUCH! that must hurt and is why you want him back to Fiji so badly because I cannot seem to see any other reason, except the lie being circulated by Voreqe and his loyal supporters in an effort to bring this innocent man down??? Don't forget YOU CANNOT BRING A GOOD MAN DOWN!!! no matter how much you try, you will labour in vain, go try your dumb tactics somewhere else!!! YOU CANNOT TELL ME WHO TO BELIEVE, PEOPLE WILL HAVE TO DECIDE FOR THEMSELVES, NOT AN ANONYMOUS BLOGGER!!!
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